Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pre-Departure Ups and Downs

Orenmanyeyo! It's been awhile hasn't it? I've been crazy busy with all the usual end-of-the-school-year chores. I've got final exams this week and next, the SAT on June 2nd, banquets, theatre stuff, and a ton of stress. These days I feel dependent on caffeine to get me through the day in place of a good night's sleep. but I've just gotta tough it out until next Thursday, my last day of the chaos that's been Junior year. Roughly five weeks until I leave for Korea. Between now and then, I'll go to Disney World for the first time in my life, say goodbye to one of my closest friends, begin to learn my fourth language, receive my host family, and prepare for this life-changing experience. I'm much more nervous this year than I was around the same time last year.Americans are exposed to more Japanese culture as opposed to Korean culture over the years, so last year I felt like I knew what I was getting into. With Korea, however, I feel like I'm in a fog that won't clear until I step off the plane in Seoul. I can study and read about the Korean culture as much as I can, but I still feel uncertain about it. In the dark. Like taking a test over a book you didn't read. But the newness of everything is indescribably exciting, and I know I'm ready. As my departure date draws closer feel more and more confident in myself and my abilities. I'm good at picking up languages. I'm independent. I'm easygoing and flexible. I'm an optimist and a life's-what-you-make-it kind of girl. Despite my nervousness, I still feel confident that I can do this. is it possible to be nervous and confident at the same time? Haha, I'm not sure. But right now, this is how I feel. And I love it. Because it means I'm feeling like an exchange student, something I know I was just meant to be. Last summer in Japan confirmed that. There's just no way to explain how undeniably right it feels to be where you were meant to be, doing what you're meant to do. And that's how I feel when I'm studying abroad. Everything just falls into place. So Seoul, bring it on. ;D I'm ready.

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